Lindsay Lohan tromping down Mott Street in a full-on Ghostbusters costume complete with proton pack ... famed literary critic and self-proclaimed dinosaur Harold Bloom having upscale pancakes at Norma's with Meg Ryan, Keira Knightley, and Suicide Girl Chloe St. Reagan, then leaving a paltry 5% tip ... New York Times grammar man William Safire snorting coke off an obese homeless woman's exposed left breast in an alleyway, after which he did a little "pee-pee dance" in his Care Bears underoos ... married beauty Liv Tyler canoodling with Zeus in the form of a ram ...
Just kidding about that last one—although I did see Yahweh making out with Lindsay in her Ghostbusters costume, was the surprise end to that particular story. Apparently he's off the meds again. Well, go get 'em, tiger! That's what I say...
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